Improve Your Health With Small Steps In Little Neck NY

Improving your health & obtaining your optimal wellness requires YOU to make changes within YOUR lifestyle.
Of course Dr. Jacobs and your other healthcare providers play a significant role as well, but at the end of the day, you are the one who's in charge. You are the one who has the capability to take back your power and step into your healthiest self.
Your health is influenced by multiple factors - how often you move your body, how healthy you eat, how much water you drink, your stress management skills, your ability to connect with people (+ animals!) you care for, how often you visit your trusted healthcare professionals, like our chiropractor, Dr Mark Jacobs, here in Little Neck NY and so much more…
Creating change in pursuit of your optimal health + wellness isn't always easy, but it's possible.
With that, it's not always the best idea to make a ton of huge changes all at once. Rather than potentially feeling defeated from overwhelm as you try to make multiple massive changes to your lifestyle all at once, here at Care Chiropractic in Little Neck NY, we find that it's easiest to take one small, realistic action step at a time as you improve your health.
When you approach obtaining your optimal wellness with this mindset, you're more likely to feel excited about the journey ahead, rather than defeated by it… & therefore you're more likely to improve your health & obtain your optimal wellness over time.
Commit to exercising for 15 minutes or longer!
It's recommended that you book an appointment with Dr. Jacobs here in Little Neck, NY, or another healthcare professional in your local area, before starting a new exercise routine, as not every single person is the same!
It's no secret that exercise is an extremely important factor in determining your health.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends that most healthy adults "get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity".
Relate this goal to YOUR lifestyle
Maybe 150 minutes of exercise per week feels completely unattainable for you. Maybe you haven't exercised in a long time (or maybe ever!), and the idea of moving your body for 150 minutes this week feels stressful and overwhelming. Maybe you believe exercising for 150 minutes per week is something you simply just cannot do…
Maybe you already have an exercise routine, but you recognize that you're not quite hitting that goal of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week…
- Choose an exercise that you ENJOY! It's more difficult to stay committed to an exercise routine if you don't enjoy it, or if you're lacking the motivation or desire to improve at it. If you're new to exercising and have no idea what you do or don't like, try out different types of exercises to find out!
- Interested in walking? Go for a 15 minute walk! Ask someone you enjoy spending time with if they'd like to join!
- Interested in strength training? Commit to dumbbell training at home for 15 minutes!
- Interested in running? Go for a 15 minute run and don't be afraid to take walking breaks if that's what your body needs from you!
- The list can go on & on..
- Rather than focusing on the large goal at hand of reaching 150 minutes of exercise, focus on achieving small goals, such as getting 1 workout in at a time.
- If you move your body for 15 minutes today, congrats!
- If you move your body for longer than that today, congrats!
- You did a great job regardless by showing up for your body! You are setting foundations that will benefit you in the future!
- Keep showing up consistently, but also realistically, for your exercise routine.
- Choose a time period in your day to move your body that works best for YOU, your lifestyle + your schedule
- Consider waking up 15 minutes earlier or invest in 15 minutes at the end of your workday to exercise
- Do your 15 minute workout during your lunch break! You may be surprised by how good you feel as you move into the next part of your day
- As you start to feel more confident in your exercise routine, you'll be creating some momentum - leverage upon that. Add 5 minutes to your next workout, and then 10 minutes to the one after that. Listen to your body, stay committed, and before you know it, you'll be hitting that 150 minute weekly goal with ease!
Rather than getting overwhelmed trying to make multiple massive changes at once on your health journey, you're more likely to feel excited about the process of becoming your healthiest self, rather than defeated by it, when you choose to make small changes to your lifestyle on a daily basis.
Did you LOVE this blog post and want more tips around improving your health with small steps? Like we said earlier, health is multi-layered, and there's numerous areas of your life that contribute to LIVING in your optimal state of wellness…
Feel free to reach out via email at or send us a direct message on instagram @carechiropractic_ny - & let us know what areas you'd like us to cover in future blog posts!
In our next blog post, we'll be getting back into our 10-part blog series! Part 1 and Part 2 are live! If you haven't read them yet, make sure you do so and keep an eye out for Part 3 coming soon!
One last thing - if you haven't checked out our blog post all about Cox Technic, our office technique specialty for the last 27 years here in Little Neck, NY, be sure to do so! It really sets the tone for our current 10-part blog series!
Are you ready to take a 2nd action step this week toward obtaining your optimal health and wellness? Call us at (718) 279-0110 and book an appointment with Dr. Mark Jacobs today!
9:30am - 7:00pm
9:30am - 7:00pm
9:30am - 7:00pm
9:30am - 7:00pm
9:30am - 7:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
Care Chiropractic
248-25 Northern Boulevard #2D
Little Neck, NY 11362